The Calm Before the Holidays – A Week in the Life

Hello everyone, welcome back!  Last week was a pretty calm one overall for me.  Most companies have put their hiring on hiatus until after the holidays, so all is quiet on the job front for now.  I’ve been taking advantage of this temporary lull to get more blog posts written, recipes tested, and social media posts scheduled.  I started off Monday by finishing up testing my Crockpot Minestrone Soup. That recipe will make its way to the blog after the new year.

Spencer and I are also trying to get a lot of my recipes filmed before the holidays.  Last week we filmed my Crockpot Lentil, Vegetable, and Black Bean Stew.  The recipe is already on the blog, but the video won’t be up until after the new year too.  I’ve been coming up with some other video ideas as well, and writing out tentative scripts. So be prepared for new video content on my YouTube channel in the coming year!

Wednesday was my last webinar of 2018.  It was an interesting one about navigating deals and relationships with brands as a dietitian.  I learned a lot, and am excited for the webinars I already have scheduled next year!

I had a weekend full of movies too.  On Saturday, my parents and I went to see “Green Book”.  It was an incredible movie with exceptional music.

On Sunday, Spencer and I went on a nice date night.  Dinner and a movie! He has to work on Christmas, so we won’t get to spend a lot of time with each other for the holidays.  It was perfect to get to go out and spend some time together before not seeing each other for a little while.

That’s pretty much all I’ve got for this week!  Maggie and I took advantage of the slightly warmer weather this week, and went on some longer walks.  Other than that, it’s just been a lot of preparation for the craziness of the holidays coming up! Until next week!

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