Dietitian Answers the Most Googled Questions About Celery

Celery has been all the rage so far in 2019 with celery juice dominating the internet.  Is celery actually a miracle vegetable though?

Is celery good for you

You know I’m not about labelling food as “good” or “bad”.  It’s all just food, fam. Let’s chat a bit about the nutrient content of celery though, since I know that’s what you’re all actually curious about.  Celery is actually primarily water. In fact, it’s 95% water by weight. That means it doesn’t contain much else in the way of fat, protein, or carbohydrates.  Since it’s mostly water, it’s also really low in calories with only 14 calories per cup of chopped celery. There’s some fiber in celery, but not a ton compared to other vegetables.  Celery has about 1.5 grams of fiber in one cup while carrots, just as a comparison, have over 2 grams per cup. So still a great place to get fiber, but not exceptional in the fiber department compared to other veggies.  Celery contains small amounts of a variety of vitamins and minerals. Most notably, celery is extremely high in vitamin K. One cup also contains about 5% of your daily needs for potassium and 9% for folate. So there’s nutritional benefits to celery, but their nutrient profile isn’t as crazy impressive as many on the internet are claiming.  

Is celery good for dogs

I’m not a veterinarian, so I can’t really speak to this.  I don’t personally feed my own dog celery, but I don’t think it’s particularly dangerous for them.  Dogs should be getting their primary nutrition from their dog food, however, and any fruits and vegetables should be given in small amounts as a treat.

Is celery keto

Keto is based on very low carbohydrate intake, so there isn’t “yes” or “no” answers as to whether or not something is keto.  Basically, anything can be keto if eaten in small enough quantities. Celery is a low carbohydrate vegetable, however, with 3 grams per cup.  This has made it pretty popular among the keto community.

Is celery juice good for you

Again, there’s no such thing as a “good” and “bad” food.  Here’s the thing though, with juice in general. Juice is a perfectly fine way to get extra hydration, particularly if you enjoy it.  When you juice a fruit or vegetable, however, it takes a lot of that produce to generate a cup of juice. This means that you’re getting more vitamins and minerals in that cup, but you’re also getting a lot more sugar.  And, if you don’t drink the pulp in your juice, you’re stripping away that beneficial fiber entirely. Celery, in comparison to other vegetables, also contains a decent amount of sodium. The average American gets way too much sodium in their diet.  Particularly for those with high blood pressure, heart issues, or other conditions that need lower sodium intake drinking mass quantities of celery juice is not a great idea. Not to mention that all of the claims about celery juice right now are entirely unfounded.  There is absolutely no research to suggest that celery juice is this incredible cure-all that everybody needs to start drinking. Celery is a vegetable. It’s important to eat plenty of vegetables, but celery isn’t extra special. If you like celery juice, and want to drink some on occasion, great.  It isn’t going to cure all your ailments and give you superpowers though. Not to mention the fact that you can just eat raw celery. Juicing it isn’t necessary to get the nutritional benefits of celery. Everything in moderation folks.

Is celery a vegetable

Yep!  Celery is, in fact, a vegetable.

Is celery high in fiber

Like I touched on above, celery has a decent amount of fiber.  It’s a great way to get some fiber if you enjoy it, but there are many other vegetables with a higher fiber content.

Is celery high in sodium

In comparison to most foods in general, no.  In comparison to other vegetables, however, celery does have more sodium than most.  There’s no reason to avoid celery for its sodium content if you enjoy it. This is a great time for a reminder though that you should eat a variety of vegetables and not just celery.  Particularly if you have health conditions that require a low-sodium intake, going overboard on the celery trend is not a good plan.

Is celery low fodmap

Low FODMAP, or fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides, and polyols diets are often prescribed for people with IBS or other digestive issues.  The idea is to consume foods low in FODMAPs for a period of time, gradually adding foods higher in FODMAPs back into the diet to find out which foods may trigger symptoms.  Due to its highly restrictive nature, low FODMAP diets should only be done under supervision of a physician and dietitian. In general, however, celery is compliant on a low FODMAP diet.

Is celery a fruit

Nope.  Celery is a vegetable.  

Is celery low carb

Yes, celery is a low-carbohydrate vegetable.

Does celery have carbs

Yes.  Celery is a vegetable, and all vegetables contain carbohydrates.  Celery contains about 3 grams of carbohydrates per cup of chopped vegetable.

Does celery have fiber

Yes, as we discussed earlier celery contains fiber.  It contains about 1.5 grams of fiber per cup of chopped vegetable.  

Does celery have protein

Yes, though not very much.  One cup of chopped celery contains about 0.7 grams of protein.

Does celery have calories

Spoiler alert: all foods contain calories.  Celery contains about 14 calories per cup of chopped vegetable.

Does celery have sodium

Yes it does.  Celery has about 81 milligrams of sodium in one cup, chopped.

Does celery cause gas

It can, though it isn’t the most likely culprit.  

Does celery go bad

Absolutely.  Just like any other fruit or vegetable, celery will eventually spoil.

Does celery have sugar

Yes.  Fun fact: all fruits and vegetables contain sugar.  Some more than others, but they all have a little naturally!  One cup of chopped celery contains about 1.3 grams of sugar.

Does celery have vitamin K

Yes!  Celery contains a substantial amount of vitamin K.  One cup of chopped celery contains a whopping 29.6 micrograms of vitamin K.  If you’re taking blood thinning medication, be sure to consult your physician and dietitian before hopping on the celery bandwagon.  Too much vitamin K can interact with certain medications, so make sure you’re getting individualized help.

Does celery have potassium

Yes, one cup of chopped celery contains 263 milligrams of potassium.

Can celery be frozen

Yes it can!  Chop it up, place it on a cookie sheet, freeze, and transfer to a storage bag or container.  

Can celery cause gas

We already covered this, but yes it can.  Keep in mind that it isn’t the most likely culprit though.

Can celery go bad

Yes it can.

Can celery juice cause gas

Technically, most things could cause gas, but it really isn’t likely.

Can celery juice cause acne

Probably not.  There are many triggers for acne, and everybody’s skin is a little different.  Despite this, there’s no evidence that celery juice either causes or cures acne.

Can celery be roasted

Yes it can!  

Can celery cause constipation

It depends.  Technically, fiber can cause constipation if not enough water is consumed along with it.  Celery contains both fiber and quite a bit of water, so it isn’t likely to cause constipation.  Make sure to drink plenty of water while increasing fiber intake to avoid constipation!

Can celery juice cause kidney stones

It depends.  Celery contains a high amount of oxalates.  With the quantity of celery needed to make a glass of celery juice, there’s a lot more oxalates in celery juice.  In those who are susceptible, high oxalate intake can increase the risk of kidney stone formation. It really depends on the person, however, as some people are more susceptible than others.  If you have a history of kidney stones, it’s probably not a good idea to start chugging a bunch of celery juice. This is just another example of why dietitians say “Everything in moderation” so much!

Can celery make you sick

That depends on how much you eat.  If you’re exclusively eating celery, it could quickly cause malnutrition, making you very sick.  High amounts of celery if you aren’t used to eating a lot of fiber could also cause bloat, gas, and constipation or diarrhea (depending on if you’re drinking enough water).  Some people are allergic to celery, making it a bad choice for them. In general though, it isn’t any more likely to make you sick than other foods.

Can celery cause heartburn

Is it impossible?  No. Is it likely? Also no.

There’s tons of misinformation out there about celery and celery juice, so hopefully this post cleared up some of the confusion.  What other questions do you have about celery? What food do you want me to do a Google deep dive on next?

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