Christmas, Christmas, and More Christmas – A Week in the Life

Happy Monday, and almost New Year!  I’ve had a busy week of celebrating Christmas with family.  Unfortunately, I was also battling a bad cold all week. I’m finally starting to feel better though, so hopefully I’ll enter the new year cold-free!

We started Christmas Eve at my dad’s cousin’s house.  We had a lot of yummy food, and an opportunity to catch up with family which was lovely.  In the afternoon, we headed to my mom’s parents’ house for Christmas Eve supper. My parents are high school sweethearts, and both of their parents still live in the same town.  This means we always get to spend holidays with both sides of the family which is really nice. It does, however, mean that we’re bouncing between the two sides a bit and don’t get to spend as much time with each.  It’s a whirlwind of fun, food, and family! Maggie doesn’t like traveling though, so she’s been happy to be home. :P

I did a little more work on a new quinoa chili recipe last week as well.  It infused a lot of much-needed vegetables and whole grains into the days after Christmas.

quinoa chili

Both of my brothers were in town all week, so we celebrated our immediate family Christmas on Saturday.  Our tradition is to have a big supper of crab legs and shrimp. Everything was extremely tasty, and it was so nice to play games and just spend quality time together.  I got some new kitchen gear for Christmas too which I’m very excited to try out!

I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas season.  It’s crazy to think that it’ll soon be 2019! How are you ringing in the new year?

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