Cutting Down our Christmas Tree – A Week in the Life

Happy December!  In my brain, it’s still summer or something, so I’m all thrown off.  I’m hoping by the time it’s actually “official” winter that I’ll have caught up.  This week was also a bit of a crazy one for me… I had a number of interviews this week–they all seem to happen in waves.  I’ll hear nothing for weeks, and then all of a sudden I get multiple interview requests! It’s exciting, but definitely makes my weeks busier since all the jobs I’m applying to are in the Twin Cities area (about 45 minutes+ from where I’m currently living).  Hopefully I’ll have more job news to announce in the future, but for now that’s where I’m at!

On Monday, I tested out a new minestrone soup recipe that I’m writing.  In general, I have to test a recipe 2-4 times before it turns out the way I want it.  Honestly, I’ve only had a couple turn out how I wanted after only two attempts. :P The first round of this recipe went pretty well, I just need to readjust the seasoning.

Tuesday also turned into a soup day…we’ve been eating a TON of soup lately–oops!  I filmed my turkey barley soup recipe. Now I’ll just have to edit it, and that’ll be up on my YouTube channel in a couple of weeks!  Spencer and I also went to see “Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald” which was very good.  We both grew up with the Harry Potter series, so it’s fun to see the series continue as adults.

I started Wednesday with my first phone interview of the week.  Then, I spent a lot of time writing blog posts and pre-scheduling social media posts.  Weeks like this where I have a lot of interviews really remind me that I’m not going to have all of this free time forever.  I’m trying to get as much pre-scheduled as I can so that I have more time to focus on starting a new job. It’s been a challenge, but very necessary!  We made a delicious salmon, quinoa, and roasted vegetable bowl for supper. It was very good, and has inspired me to write some salmon bowl recipes of my own!

On Thursday, I had an in-person interview in Woodbury.  Since it snowed Wednesday night it took me over an hour to get there.  Fortunately, I left early expecting traffic to be worse. Thursday afternoon, I had an impromptu phone interview that went surprisingly well.  Normally, jobs will email me to schedule a time for a phone interview, but this interview was spontaneous! It helps that I have an expansive spreadsheet of all the jobs I’ve applied for.  Pro tip for anyone that finds themselves on the job hunt too. ;) Thursday night was stir-fry night! It’s been a couple of weeks, so it was great to have it again.

On Friday, I went out to dinner at Pour Wine Bar and Bistro with my mom.  I ordered their drunken shrimp pasta, and she had their chicken wild rice soup.  Both dishes were good, but hers was definitely tastier. :P After dinner, we watched Elf.  Elf is by far one of my favorite Christmas movies, I have to watch it every year!

On Saturday, we went out to Rum River Tree Farm to cut down our Christmas tree!  It’s a family tradition to cut down our tree, and I’m so grateful that I was able to go with again this year.  It’s so much fun to look at all the trees and choose the one we’re going to bring home.

Sunday was another organization day for me.  I have a couple more interviews this week, so it was nice to have a day to prepare.  Until next week!

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