Pre-Christmas Craziness – A Week in the Life

Hello everyone!  Happy Christmas Eve!  I’m currently writing this on Sunday (Dec 23rd) and pre-scheduling it because I’m planning on leaving my laptop at home when visiting family for Christmas.  I’ve spent the last few weeks pre-scheduling things as I’m able so that I can leave my work at home when going out to be with family. It’s hectic in the moment, but worth it to not have to worry about dashing away to write a blog post.

Last week was pretty crazy getting everything ready for the holidays.  Of course, I also wound up with a pretty nasty cold that I’m still fighting with which just makes things that much crazier.

I started the week finishing up my white bean chicken chili recipe and taking pictures so it’s ready to go on the blog.  Spencer and I also filmed my lentil and vegetable skillet recipe since we won’t be seeing much of each other over the holidays.  

My family did a lot of online shopping for gifts to avoid the crowds so we’ve had package deliveries almost daily for the last week.  It’s been nice not to have to go out shopping, but Maggie also likes barking every time the doorbell rings, so there are tradeoffs. :P  Speaking of, in preparation for spending the holidays in other people’s homes, Maggie got a spa day last week! She absolutely hates baths, getting her nails done, and getting brushed, and I did all three so she had a stressful last couple of days.  She’s nice and soft and not quite as dog-smelling now though which is very nice!

I made a chicken wild rice soup in the crockpot overnight, and finished it up this morning.  Now, I’m off to bake another batch of cookies. Then, I have to get all my stuff and Maggie’s stuff packed up to head to my grandparent’s house in a few hours!  Wish me luck!

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