DI: Week 13 – Private Practice and Thanksgiving

Short week of supervised practice thanks to a holiday break for Thanksgiving.  This week, I spent a couple of days interning at a private practice and then drove home to Minnesota for Thanksgiving.

My week looked like this:


I reviewed the dessert recipes for the long-term care client menu.  Interning at a private practice is very different than I was expecting.  Even though the place I’m working at offers a lot of services, I’ve only been working on this menu.  It’s one of those things where this is their big project, that they need a lot of help with right now, so that’s where I’m working.  


I continued working on the menu at the private practice.  Since they just started using this new database, they’ve noticed that a lot of ingredients they use aren’t in the database.  The company that operates this database will add things as requested, but it takes a while.  So today, it was my job to figure out how to add ingredients to the system.  Then, I added a few ingredients we need for this menu to the database, so that we could add them to their respective recipes.  After that, I started working on creating templates for the pureed versions of menu items.  Some of the residents at the facility this menu will be used at are on pureed diets.  At the end of the day, I started my long drive to my parent’s house in Minnesota!


Spencer drove up to visit, and we went to see “Murder on the Orient Express” at the movie theater.  Overall, I thought it was an okay movie, not bad, but not particularly good either.  I think we would’ve liked it more if my hometown movie theater had the comfier reclining seats that we’ve gotten used to.  :P  My younger brother, Ben, arrived just in time for supper (he goes to school in Duluth).  My dad made us all chicken stir-fry (my favorite).  Zach, my older brother, arrived a couple of hours after supper–it was nice to finally get the whole family back together!  


Happy Thanksgiving!  We left this morning for my grandparent’s house in Willmar, MN where we enjoyed a Thanksgiving meal with my mom’s side of the family.  A couple hours after our meal, we left to travel to my dad’s cousin’s house for Thanksgiving with my dad’s side of the family.  Having two Thanksgiving meals in one day was a bit much, but it was very nice to see everyone on both sides of the family.  

Thanksgiving food
My uncle’s loaded Thanksgiving plate(s).


Spencer and I went out to breakfast before he drove to visit his family in Onalaska, WI.  We went to Olde Main Eatery in my hometown and had some yummy french toast.  My dad and I did a little “Black Friday” shopping (actually browsing–we didn’t buy anything) later that morning.  I spent most of my afternoon doing some schoolwork, catching up on emails, all that fun stuff.  In the evening, my parents and I played card games while munching on popcorn.


Essentially, most of my week was one long weekend because of the holiday.  :P  My parents, Ben and I went out to get our Christmas tree on Saturday (Zach had to work) which was fun.  They had sweet little bunnies there that I got to cuddle.  My mom and I baked some cookies on Saturday.  Then, my dad and I bottled one of our homebrews on Sunday.  The weekend was full of good food, fun family time, and relaxation.

They had sweet little bunnies at the tree farm!

My first blog post with the Chicago Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (CAND) went live on Saturday.  It’s all about how to make a healthy parfait, and you can find it here.  What’s your favorite parfait combination?


Next week, I’ll be finishing up my rotation at private practice and continuing to work on all of my end-of-semester projects.  Until then!

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