Dietitian Answers the Most Googled Questions About Blueberries

They’re cute and round, and one of the few naturally blue plants out there.  What’s up with blueberries, and what health benefits do they have?

google are blueberries
Are blueberries safe for dogs

Again, I’m a human nutrition expert, not an animal nutrition expert.  Although, fun fact about me, I did take an animal nutrition course in college.  So, as always, consult with your veterinarian first before giving your pets any “people” food.  My dog, Maggie, gets some blueberries as a fun birthday treat every year though. She loves them, and as far as I know, they’re perfectly safe for dogs!

Are blueberries keto

Technically?  Yes. Realistically?  Not really. Keto is based around a very low carbohydate intake.  Blueberries have about 21 grams of carbs per cup. This means that you could have a small amount on a keto diet, but not a lot.

Are blueberries acidic

A neutral pH is 7.0.  Anything higher than that is basic (also called alkaline).  Anything lower is an acidic pH. Blueberries have a pH lower than 7.0, so yes, they have an acidic pH.  This is really only important when it comes to certain disease conditions though. For example, those with acid reflux might experience worse symptoms with more acidic foods.  For the average, healthy person, however, the pH of your food really doesn’t matter. Your body digests it and the pH of a food never impacts your overall body pH.

Are blueberries good for you

Y’all know I’m not about “good” and “bad” food labeling.  Let’s talk a bit about blueberry nutrition though! Blueberries are a good source of fiber, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.  Plus, one cup contains over 10% of your daily needs for Vitamin C and K. Overall, these little blue buggers are an excellent fruit choice, in moderation of course. ;)

Are blueberries bad for dogs

As far as I know, no.  Check with your veterinarian before feeding your dog any “people” food though.

Are blueberries healthy

My philosophy on food is simple: there’s no such thing as a “healthy” and “unhealthy” food.  It’s not a binary people. All foods can fit in a healthy diet. Therefore, blueberries, just like any other food can be part of a balanced, healthy diet.

Are blueberries high in fiber

Technically, in order to be labeled “high fiber” blueberries would have to contain at least 5 grams of fiber per serving.  They have 3.6 grams per cup. So yes, blueberries are a good source of fiber, but technically they aren’t “high” in fiber.

Are blueberries blue

Is this a trick question?  I mean, it’s in the name…

Are blueberries berries

Again, is this a trick question?  Honestly though, now I’m just laughing imagining a world where blueberries are neither blue, nor berries.  We don’t live in that world though. Blueberries are both blue, and berries.

Are blueberries bad for cats

Again, I’m a human dietitian, not an animal dietitian.  As far as I know though, cats can eat blueberries, they should just be given in moderation.  Consult with your vet to be sure.

google do blueberries
Do blueberries have seeds

Yes, but they’re very small and barely detectable.

Do blueberries need a lot of sun

I wouldn’t call myself a gardening expert, but I think they do best in sunny conditions.  

Do blueberries have protein

Yes!  As I’ve mentioned before, all fruits and vegetables contain some protein.  It’s not much though, only about a gram per cup.

Do blueberries have fiber

Absolutely!  As I mentioned above, blueberries have 3.6 grams per cup, making them a good source of fiber.

Do blueberries have Vitamin C

Yes, blueberries are a great source of Vitamin C with close to 20% of your daily needs per cup.

Do blueberries have carbs

Yes, all fruits and vegetables have carbs and blueberries are a fruit.  They contain about 21 grams of carbohydrates per cup.

Do blueberries need to be refrigerated

If you want them to last longer than a day or two, yes.

Do blueberries have potassium

Yep!  Blueberries contain about 2.5% of your daily needs for potassium.

Do blueberries cause gas

It’s not likely.

Do blueberries stain

Yes, and when they do stain it’s dark and difficult to remove.  So be careful!

google can blueberries
Can blueberries cause gas

We already touched on this.  Technically, almost anything *could* cause gas, but blueberries are not a likely culprit.

Can blueberries be frozen

Yes!  Freezing these berries is a great way to prevent food waste and enjoy their nutritional benefits year round!

Can blueberries kill dogs

Not that I know of, but I would only give them in moderation.

Can blueberries go bad

Yup.  Just like any other fruit or vegetable, they’ll spoil eventually.  The nice thing though, is that they generally last a little longer than the other berries.

Can blueberries cause heartburn

They aren’t one of the more common triggers of heartburn, however, it is possible that they could cause symptoms.  

Can blueberries hurt dogs

Not that I know of, but talk to your vet to be sure.

Can blueberries cause constipation

It’s not likely.  They do have a fair amount of fiber, which typically helps prevent constipation.  If you suddenly start eating a lot more fiber, or don’t drink enough water, fiber has the opposite effect and can cause constipation.  So they could, but in general, they should help relieve constipation more often than cause it.

Can blueberries cause diarrhea

Unless you have some type of sensitivity to them, or they’re contaminated with a foodborne illness, no.  In fact, their fiber content should help promote regular, healthy bowel movements.

Can blueberries grow in shade

I think they can, but that they grow better in sunlight.  I’d ask a gardening expert about that though.

Can blueberries cause diaper rash

Unless you’re giving your baby a lot or they have an intolerance, they shouldn’t be an issue.  Again, it’s technically possible, but they aren’t like this evil diaper rash causing berry or anything.

So there you have it, everything you never even realized you wanted to know about blueberries.  Are you a blueberry fan? What food do you want me to do a Google deep dive on next?

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