Dietitian Answers the Most Googled Questions About Chocolate

Chocolate has gone from being demonized to being labelled a “super fruit”, but what health benefits, if any, does it really have?


From causing acne to constipation, there’s a lot of questions out there about chocolate and its effects on our health.  Like many foods, chocolate has experienced both demonization and “super food” status. Is chocolate good for you? I took to Google to answer the most commonly searched questions about this simultaneously loved and hated treat.

google is chocolate

Is chocolate candy

Well, I wouldn’t say I’m an English language definitions expert, but yes, I would consider chocolate to be a candy.  At least in the form that you unwrap and take a bit of.

Is chocolate gluten-free

Yes!  Gluten is a protein contained in wheat products, and since chocolate doesn’t contain wheat, it’s gluten-free.  Note that some chocolate bars may contain wafers, cookies, or other gluten-containing ingredients so not all candy bars will be gluten-free.  Some may also be processed in facilities that produce gluten-containing foods, so check the label if you do need to avoid gluten. Chocolate by itself, though, is gluten-free.

Is chocolate bad for cats

YES!  Do not give your cat chocolate!  Chocolate is toxic for cats, so if you’re a cat parent please save the chocolate for yourself and not your furry friend.  

Is chocolate bad for dogs

Also YES!  Chocolate is toxic for both dogs and cats, and you should keep all chocolate-containing foods out of their reach.  If your pet does get into chocolate, it’s a good idea to give your veterinarian a call about next steps.

Is chocolate good for you

Okay, first, unless something is literally poisonous there’s no such thing as “good” and “bad” foods.  It’s not that simple people… This is such a prevalent question with so much misinformation out there. Seriously, I saw somebody try to call chocolate a “super fruit” (cue major eye roll).  Let’s back up a little bit, and talk about the possible health benefits of chocolate. Cocoa, and thus chocolate, contains a variety of phytochemicals (good) and antioxidants (also good). These are the same health-promoting compounds we find in fruits and vegetables.  To say that chocolate is just as good for you as fruits and vegetables is a bit of a stretch, however. First, chocolate bars are all processed cocoa.  Now, there’s nothing necessarily bad about this processing, but it does limit the amount of phytochemicals and antioxidants that you might find in a bar of chocolate in comparison to an actual cocoa bean.  Basically, a lot of research that “proves” chocolate is a “super food” (made up term to begin with) uses chocolate that contains a lot more phytochemicals and antioxidants than you’re apt to find in the candy aisle.  In addition, chocolate bars generally contain added sugars and other ingredients that can be detrimental to your health if eaten in excess.  Basically, we need more and better research to determine the source, how much, and what benefits chocolate might have.  I know, I’m disappointed too that I can’t just eat copious amounts of chocolate and live forever…

TL;DR: chocolate isn’t bad for you, but it’s not a magical super fruit either.  Like most things, moderate consumption is best.

Is chocolate vegan

It depends!  Most dark chocolate (though not all) is vegan.  Milk chocolate, like the name implies, is not. Double check labels to be sure, but vegans rejoice because there’s chocolate out there for you too!

Is chocolate milk good for you

Refer to my previous statement about there being no such thing as “good” and “bad” foods…  Chocolate milk is commonly used as a recovery beverage for athletes, however, due to its ratio of carbs, protein, and electrolytes.  Note that chocolate milk contains more sugar than white milk, however, and should therefore be consumed in…you guessed it! Moderation. :P

Is chocolate dairy

No.  Chocolate naturally doesn’t contain any dairy products.  Once processed, however, dairy products (milk) can be added and that’s how you get milk chocolate!  Note that the calcium content of milk chocolate isn’t great though. Be sure to get plenty of other calcium-rich foods in your diet each day, and not rely on chocolate as your sole source of dairy!

Is chocolate acidic

Raw cocoa beans have an acidic pH, but the pH of most processed chocolate is pretty close to neutral.  Those with acid reflux or GERD have probably been told that chocolate exacerbates their condition. This is generally caused because chocolate can relax the sphincter in between the stomach and esophagus.  When this happens, stomach acid can move into the esophagus and cause the burning sensation associated with acid reflux. Chocolate also contains caffeine which can increase acid reflux symptoms. Chocolate itself, however, isn’t particularly acidic, but those with acid reflux may find that it exacerbates their symptoms.

Is chocolate low fiber

In general, yes.  Milk chocolate has between 1 and 2 grams per serving.  Dark chocolate has more, with a little more than 2 grams per serving.

google can chocolate

Can chocolate go bad

Yep.  Chocolate is a food product so it can and will eventually spoil.  The nice thing though, is that chocolate has a pretty long shelf-life.  Dark chocolate, especially, can last over a year without spoiling. Not like any chocolate I’ve ever had has made it that long without being eaten. ;)

Can chocolate kill a dog

YES!  Chocolate is toxic for dogs, and enough of it can kill a dog.  Call your veterinarian ASAP if your dog gets into chocolate.

Can chocolate mold

Surprisingly, no.  Chocolate doesn’t contain enough moisture to grow mold.  It can get a white, chalky looking appearance, but this isn’t mold.  It’s called fat or sugar bloom, and while it might not taste the best it isn’t really harmful either.

Can chocolate cause constipation

Probably not.  While some may claim that chocolate constipates them, there isn’t good research to suggest a link between chocolate and constipation.  Some of the other ingredients in commercial chocolate, however, may contribute to constipation. Milk chocolate, for example, contains dairy which may be constipating for some.  Chocolate also contains caffeine which can be dehydrating, and since we need water to, you know, go, this may be constipating as well.

Can chocolate cause acne

Also, probably not.  While this is a common claim, there’s no good research to suggest a link between acne and chocolate.  Chocolate lovers, rejoice!

Can chocolate cause heartburn

Yes.  Refer above about if chocolate is acidic for more details, but yes, chocolate can cause heartburn.

Can chocolate cause gas

Probably not.  Milk chocolate may, because it contains dairy which can cause gas in some people.  It’s not likely to be the primary suspect in your diet, however.

Can chocolate kill cats

Yes!  Chocolate is toxic for cats, and too much can kill them.

Can chocolate chips go bad

Just like regular chocolate (chocolate chips are just a shape of chocolate), they can spoil.  Chocolate (including chocolate chips) have a long shelf-life of well over a year though.

Can chocolate kill mice

It can, but it takes a lot of chocolate to kill a mouse.  

google does chocolate

Does chocolate kill dogs

Asked and answered, but yes.

Does chocolate have caffeine

Yes.  Cocoa beans naturally contain caffeine, so chocolate does as well

Does chocolate have gluten

Asked and answered, but no, chocolate does not naturally contain gluten.

Does chocolate go bad

Asked and answered.  It can, but slowly.

Does chocolate cause acne

Covered this one too, probably not.

Does chocolate have dairy

Already talked about this as well, but not naturally, no.  Dairy products may be added to chocolate (hence milk chocolate).

Does chocolate stain

Yes!  Chocolate stains set with heat and time, so use cold water and try to remove the stain as quickly as possible.

Does chocolate milk have caffeine

Yes.  Since chocolate milk contains chocolate, which naturally has caffeine.  There’s only about 5 mg of caffeine in one cup of chocolate milk (vs 95 mg in a cup of coffee), however, so it’s not likely to keep you up at night.

Does chocolate cause constipation

We covered this already as well.  Probably not, though other ingredients in chocolate bars may.

Does chocolate have carbs

Yes.  Chocolate contains fiber and sugar which are both carbs.  Even a raw, unprocessed cocoa bean contains carbohydrates naturally in both fiber and a little bit of sugar.


Hopefully that answers any questions you’ve had about chocolate.  Basically, chocolate isn’t super bad or super good for you. Like most things, if you like it, enjoy it in moderation.  Too much of anything isn’t good for you, and chocolate, unfortunately, is no exception.

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