Dietitian Answers the Most Googled Questions About Potatoes

Are potatoes bad for you, or are they just misunderstood?  We’re talking everything tuber-related and getting to the root of the potato debate.


Potatoes are one of the foods I hear people confused about the most.  Are they good for you? Are they bad? Can they kill you??? I decided to do a deep-dive Google search into potatoes to answer the most commonly searched questions.  

are potatoes

Are potatoes gluten free

Yes.  Gluten is a protein found in wheat products and since potatoes don’t contain wheat, they’re gluten-free.  

Are potatoes good for you

Yes.  Potatoes are full of vitamins and minerals that are essential for human health.  

Are potatoes carbs

Yes.  Just like every other vegetable, potatoes contain carbohydrates.

Are potatoes a vegetable

Yes.  They fit into the starchy vegetables subgroup.

Are potatoes paleo

It depends on who you ask.  In general though, those who strictly follow the paleo fad diet would say no.  Some paleo diet followers do say that potatoes are allowed, so it just depends on who you ask.

Are potatoes good for dogs

Now, I’m not a dog dietitian, but I am a dog owner.  As far as I know, dogs can have cooked potatoes (never raw), but I don’t know if I’d say that they’re particularly “good” for dogs…  I’d stick with foods your dog’s veterinarian recommends, though if you want to treat your dog with a cooked potato every now and again that’s fine.

Are potatoes bad for you

Nope.  There are some diseases where potatoes need to be limited (kidney disease), but for the generally healthy person, absolutely not.  Potatoes are a great source of many vitamins and minerals, including Vitamin C, Vitamin B6, phosphorus, and magnesium. They even have more potassium than bananas.  To get the most nutritional value from your potatoes: eat the skin!

Are potatoes keto

Technically, yes.  Realistically, probably not.  In order to actually maintain ketosis the average person can only consume about 50 grams of carbohydrates per day.  One medium potato contains almost 40 grams of carbs. So while you could eat a potato on the keto diet, that would pretty much be all of your carbs for the day.

Are potatoes high in fiber

Yes!  If you eat the skin you get even more fiber.

Are potatoes healthy

I think I’ve answered this up to this point, but yes.  Potatoes absolutely fit into a healthy eating pattern.

can potatoes

Can potatoes be frozen

They can!  However, freezing raw potatoes isn’t recommended because it causes some unpleasant taste and texture changes.  Blanching or cooking potatoes before freezing them can help.

Can potatoes go bad

Absolutely.  Just like any other vegetable, potatoes can spoil.  And they smell terrible when they do. :P

Can potatoes be stored in the fridge

You can, but personally I don’t think you should.  Refrigeration causes a starch in potatoes to convert to sugar which gives your potatoes a sweeter taste.  The ideal storage for potatoes is somewhere well-ventilated, cool (but not cold), and out of direct sunlight.

Can potatoes be eaten raw

It’s not recommended.  There are a few reasons why eating raw potatoes isn’t suggested.  One is that potatoes are grown in the ground. This means they have the potential to be exposed to bacteria that cause foodborne illness.  Cooking them helps destroy the bacteria and makes them safer to eat. Another reason why eating raw potatoes isn’t recommended is because of all the resistant starch potatoes contain.  This resistant starch isn’t dangerous by any means, but it can cause gastrointestinal discomfort, bloating, and gas. Cooking a potato helps breakdown these resistant starches. Potato sprouts and green potatoes should NEVER be eaten raw or otherwise as they contain a natural toxin called solanine.  

Can potatoes kill you

It’s unlikely.  As I mentioned above, green potatoes and potato sprouts contain a natural toxin called solanine.  This toxin can cause some pretty unpleasant gastrointestinal distress and has resulted in death.  However, this is extremely rare and commercial potatoes are screened for solanine before being sold to consumers.  Once the potatoes arrive in your home, make sure they’re stored out of sunlight, and if you notice green spots or sprouts on your potatoes don’t eat them!  

Can potatoes grow in winter

It depends on where you live.  I’m not a potato growing expert by any means, but I do know a little about growing food.  Potatoes grow well in cool temperatures, so in some parts of the world they absolutely can be grown in the winter.  Here in Minnesota, however, where the ground freezes potatoes need to be in a greenhouse to grow in the winter.

Can potatoes cause gas

Yes, though more than likely they aren’t the primary culprit.  As we covered above, raw potatoes are very likely to cause gas due to the resistant starch potatoes contain.  Once cooked, however, this start is broken down and is much less likely to cause gas. Starches in general, however, can cause gas, so it is possible.  

Can potatoes and onions be stored together

They shouldn’t be.  Onions can cause potatoes to sprout more quickly which drastically reduces their shelf-life.  

will potatoes

Will potatoes grow in the fall

As long as the soil is cool but not frozen, yes.  So once again, in warmer climates they probably can be grown in the fall.  In Minnesota, however, where we get about a week of true fall weather before the first freeze, probably not a great idea.

Will potatoes make you poop

Potatoes are a good source of fiber, which helps get things moving in your bowels.  So yes, they can help keep you regular, but they shouldn’t immediately make you have to dash to the bathroom.  

Will potatoes grow in winter

Asked and answered up above!

Will potatoes keep in the refrigerator

We discussed earlier why storing potatoes in the fridge isn’t a great idea.  You absolutely can keep your potatoes in the refrigerator if you want, but personally I think the taste change is less than desirable.  

Will potatoes kill dogs

Raw potatoes are definitely not a good idea for your dog.  Dogs also shouldn’t have potato sprouts or green potatoes because they can get solanine poisoning just like humans!

Will potatoes absorb salt

Yes and no.  This question generally refers to the “potato trick” when you’re making soup.  The theory is that if your soup is too salty you can just throw a potato into it and it’ll absorb the excess salt.  That’s not how osmosis works, however, and potatoes absorb the liquid along with the salt. So yes, they can absorb salt, but not without a liquid medium.

Will potatoes cause gas

Asked and answered up above.

Will potatoes give you gas

Once again, asked and answered.  I’m a little surprised people have this many questions about potatoes and gas?!

Will potatoes constipate you

On the contrary, potatoes contain plenty of fiber which helps prevent constipation!  

Will potatoes last longer in the fridge

The best way to store potatoes for quality and shelf-life is not in the fridge!  We’ve touched on this up above as well.


Hopefully that answers any of the questions you’ve ever had about potatoes.  As a dietitian, I frequently see and hear people demonize potatoes. Potatoes have some pretty awesome nutritional benefits and are delicious too, so there’s no need to cut potatoes out of your life.  If you want to get the maximum nutritional benefits from potatoes keep the skin on and roast, bake, or boil your spuds. What’s your favorite way to enjoy potatoes?

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