Dietitian Answers the Most Googled Questions About Sweet Potatoes

Besides being bright orange and notoriously hard to cut through, what do sweet potatoes bring to the table?  We’re going to find out in today’s edition of dietitian answers!

In one of the first editions of dietitian answers, we covered all things potatoes.  Today, we’re switching gears just a little bit to talk about sweet potatoes!  Still potatoes, just a different variety.

are sweet potato google search
Are sweet potatoes healthy

As I’m sure you all know, I’m not into labeling food as healthy or unhealthy.  Because there’s really no neat way to put food in those boxes. They just don’t fit.  But let’s discuss sweet potato nutrition! Sweet potatoes are a good source of fiber, with about 4 grams in one 5” tater.  They’re an excellent source of Vitamin A and a good source of Vitamin C, Vitamin B6, and potassium as well. They also contain trace amounts of many other vitamins and minerals, though not really substantial enough amounts to get too excited about.  Tip: keep the skin on your sweet potatoes in order to get the full benefit of the nutrients these spuds provide.  

Are sweet potatoes good for dogs

Yes!  My dog, Maggie’s, dog food is actually formulated with sweet potatoes.  Like anything else you feed your dog though, consult with your veterinarian about how much to give and how often.

Are sweet potatoes gluten free

Remember, gluten is a protein found in wheat, barley, and rye grains.  Since sweet potatoes are none of those grains, they’re naturally gluten-free.  Be careful of any processed products with sweet potatoes, however, as they may contain gluten-containing ingredients or be processed in a facility that also processes wheat.

Are sweet potatoes low carb

Nope.  They contain about 26 grams of carbohydrates in one 5” tater.

Are sweet potatoes yams

No they aren’t.  Contrary to general public confusion, sweet potatoes and yams are two distinctly different tubers.  Interestingly enough (and I don’t know why this is), most “yams” sold in grocery stores are actually sweet potatoes.  Basically, if it’s orange on the inside, it’s actually a sweet potato. There are different varieties of sweet potato which adds to the confusion.  Yams actually have a white flesh, however, so there’s a decent chance you might have never actually eaten a yam before. Did your brain just explode, because mine totally did! :P 

Are sweet potatoes paleo

According to the “Ultimate Paleo Guide”, which I can only assume is the expert on the paleo diet, yes they are.

Are sweet potatoes good for diabetics

When it comes to managing your diabetes, again there aren’t really black-and-white answers.  In general though, the high fiber content of sweet potatoes can help regulate blood sugar levels.  They certainly could be a part of a healthy, well-balanced diabetic eating plan.

Are sweet potatoes good for you

See the above question about whether or not they’re healthy.

Are sweet potatoes a vegetable

Yes, they’re a root vegetable. 

Are sweet potatoes white

They can be.  There’s many different varieties of sweet potato, and thus colors.

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Can sweet potatoes be white

Yes they can!  Personally though, I don’t think I’ve ever come across one, but they do exist!

Can sweet potatoes be eaten raw

Actually, yes.  Unlike regular potatoes, sweet potatoes are safe to eat raw.  

Can sweet potatoes be frozen

Yes.  For best quality, blanch them before freezing.  You can also cook your sweet potato and then freeze it.  Just sticking a raw spud in the freezer likely won’t produce very desirable results.

Can sweet potatoes cause gas

Most foods can cause gas, for more info on gas check out this blog post.  Sweet potatoes have a fair amount of resistant starch (meaning it doesn’t fully break down in the stomach and thus ends up in our large intestine).  If you remember how gas is formed from my blog post on it, when this happens gas is formed. So they may be contributing to your, erm, flatulence.

Can sweet potatoes be boiled

They sure can!

Can sweet potatoes be microwaved

Absolutely they can!  Pro tip: microwave your sweet potatoes for a couple of minutes before trying to chop them up.  They’re a million times easier to cut.  

Can sweet potatoes cause diarrhea

I mean, I’m not going to say it’s impossible, but they aren’t likely to be the main cause of your diarrhea.

Can sweet potatoes cause bloating

Just an FYI, food in general causes bloating.  Digestion involves bloating. It’s totally normal (maybe this should be an upcoming blog post?!).  Since sweet potatoes contain that resistant starch that causes gas formation, you may notice a bit more bloating while digesting them.  This isn’t a bad thing!

Can sweet potatoes go bad

Yep!  Just like every other produce item.  They do have a pretty long shelf life of several months if stored correctly though, which is nice.

Can sweet potatoes be refrigerated

I mean…technically they could, but it’s not really recommended.  The best way to store potatoes, including sweet potatoes, is in a cool, dry, dark place.

will sweet potato google search
Will sweet potatoes constipate you

On the contrary, they’re actually a good food to eat if you’re experiencing constipation.  Due to their high fiber content, they can help you go to the bathroom more easily. Just remember to be drinking adequate water, otherwise fiber can actually be constipating.

Will sweet potatoes hurt dogs

Not that I know of.  I would be concerned about raw sweet potatoes though, just because they’re so tough and dogs have a tendency to not chew thoroughly before swallowing…  Consult with your vet if you have concerns though! I’m a human dietitian, not a dog dietitian!

Will sweet potatoes grow in shade

I’m definitely not a gardening expert, but I think they need at least partial sun to grow properly.

Will sweet potatoes make a dog poop

I would assume their high fiber content would also facilitate bowel movements in dogs just like humans, but I don’t know this for sure.  

Will sweet potatoes turn brown

Not really…  Unlike regular white potatoes, they don’t visibly become very brown when exposed to air.  

Will sweet potatoes cause constipation

See the above question about if they’ll constipate you.

Will sweet potatoes make you bloat

They certainly can!  See the above question about if they can cause bloating for more info.

Will sweet potatoes explode in the oven

It’s definitely possible.  That’s why it’s recommended to poke holes or cut into sweet potatoes and regular potatoes before baking or microwaving them.  Think of the mess!

What other questions do you have about sweet potatoes?  What’s your favorite way to use these orange tubers?

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