We had another hot week here in Minnesota…so much for fall weather! It is nice to get a few more nights nice enough to eat outside though, so I guess I can’t complain about the heat too much. We also had a friend join us this week! Tessa, my aunt and uncle’s dog came over Wednesday afternoon to hang out with Maggie until early this week. She and Maggie get along really well, despite their significant age difference (Tessa’s still a puppy, and Mags is 10). If you want to see what Tessa looked like as a little puppy, click here. Needless to say, the house was a little crazier this week than normal!

We kicked off our more laid back cooking week with sweet potatoes! Topped with roasted chickpeas, tahini sauce, cherry tomatoes, and parsley they really hit the spot. Perfect dish for a “meatless Monday” too!

With the warmer weather we had this week it was the perfect time to do some more grilling! On Tuesday, we had grilled chicken, grilled brussels sprouts and potatoes, and a brown rice quinoa pilaf. Even better, we got to enjoy this meal outside on the deck!

On Wednesday, we got a delivery of Blue Apron meals–we haven’t gotten any in quite a while, but forgot to “skip” this week–oops! The really nice thing about these meals though, are that they’re super easy and quick to prepare. Wednesday night we had the chicken and noodle stir-fry, Thursday was pork and a roasted cauliflower salad, and Friday was beef and bok choy stir-fry with cauliflower rice. So we had a stir-fry and cauliflower filled end of the week! :P

For the weekend, I took the opportunity to take the dogs on some long walks and get some cleaning and organizing done. I finally cleared all my study stuff for the RD Exam out of the office which felt pretty great! As far as blog updates, you can now find my most recent twitter and instagram posts on the right side of the screen under the search box. If you aren’t already, I’d love to connect with you on any and all of my social media sites. You can find all of them in the “connect with me” box at the top right side of this page! Until next week!
This post is not sponsored by, nor affiliated with Blue Apron in any way. We purchased Blue Apron meals for this week which is why they’re included in this blog post. The photos featured in this blog post of Blue Apron meals also include additional foods not provided by Blue Apron (fruit, extra veggies, etc.).