The End of an Era – A Week in the Life

It’s a bittersweet moment to share this with all of you, but I believe in being completely transparent to avoid any confusion.  So here goes…I am indefinitely cancelling “A Week in the Life” posts. I started these posts in the fall of 2017 when my dietetic internship began.  They were a great way to easily keep family and friends updated on my life. I also created those posts as a way for future dietetic interns to get an idea of what an internship is actually like.  And they’re fun to look back on every once in a while to see how much I accomplished during my internship.

Now that my internship has been over for quite a while, however, I’ve kind of lost sight of the purpose of these posts.  They’re not as fun for me to write because my days aren’t as chaotic (and thus interesting to read about) as they were in my internship days.  I’m also trying to figure out where I want to draw lines when it comes to sharing details about my personal life online as well. I’ve found that Instagram and Facebook stories provide an easier way to provide “snapshots” of my life.  It adds a personal touch, which I like, without oversharing like it’s sometimes all too easy to do in a blog format.

In all honesty though, despite these reasons I’d still be writing these posts if they were getting decent traffic.  But they’re not. And that’s totally okay, in fact, it makes this decision much easier for me. I want to spend my time creating content that you and my other viewers actually want to see.  And these posts just aren’t popular enough for me to justify continuing to write them.

Now you may be wondering, what’s going to happen Mondays on the blog without “A Week on the Life” posts?  Well, that’s the really exciting part of this news! There’s probably going to be some growing pains, but I’ll still be posting on the blog every Monday and Thursday.  Mondays will now be recipe days where I share the latest recipe I’m working on with all of you. Thursday will continue to cover nutrition and fitness topics, except every week now that recipes will exclusively be moved to Mondays.  This transition is going to take a little bit, but by the end of the month I’m hoping to have this new schedule in effect.

So there you have it, that’s my first part of really big Hookom on Health news for 2019.  All past “A Week in the Life” posts will remain posted. I know interns find my blog every once in a while and like looking through past weeks of my internship, so I’ll leave all of them up.  I’m also not cancelling the series permanently. When it feels appropriate, I’ll probably write another “A Week in the Life” post, but these won’t be weekly anymore. They’ll be more sporadic and probably as a bonus post to the two posts I write every week.  So, for the handful of you that liked those posts, don’t worry, they’ll be back intermittently in the future. :P

I just want to end this slightly random post with a huge THANK YOU to all of you.  I’ve had so much fun with this blog over the past year and a half, and I’m very excited for what the future brings.  So thank you!

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