5 Ways to Make Your Grocery Shopping More Environmentally Friendly

There’s a lot that we can do to help protect the environment and this beautiful planet we call home.  These things don’t all have to be complicated, or expensive either. There’s a lot that we can do while grocery shopping to reduce our environmental impact.

We have a lot of work to do at all levels of involvement in order to protect our planet.  The reality though, is that there’s a lot of small things we can do to help. We don’t have to spend tons of money or go way out of our way either.  In fact, there’s a number of things we can do even just while doing one simple task–grocery shopping–to reduce our impact on the environment.

reusable grocery bag
Use Reusable Grocery Bags

Recycling is eco-friendly, yes, but reusing products is actually way better for the environment than just recycling.  Using reusable grocery bags can drastically cut down on the amount of plastic bags that end up in landfills, or the environment.  Plus, they’re generally very inexpensive, and, as mentioned in the name, reusable. They’re more durable than plastic bags, and can hold more per bag, reducing the amount of trips you need to take to haul in your food.  You can even get some in your favorite colors or prints. Many grocery stores will also give you a small discount if you bring your own bags. It’s not much, but it all adds up over time! If you tend to forget to bring your own bags, try leaving a couple in your car, hang some up by your purse/coat, or leave a reminder on your grocery list.  

If you do forget your reusable bags, try to opt for paper over plastic at the store, if available.  You can reuse paper grocery bags to hold your home recycling, make book covers for textbooks, or to hasten ripening of produce.

Reuse any plastic bags you may have in your house to line bathroom, office, or bedroom garbage cans.  You can use them to pick up your dog’s poop, or bring them to a local recycling facility (note that many at-home recycling companies do not accept plastic bags).

peaches in mesh produce bag
Invest in Mesh Produce Bags

Another big contributor to plastic bag usage in the grocery store is the produce department.  Mesh produce bags are an inexpensive and reusable solution! You can also store your produce in these bags as well since they’re breathable.  If they get dirty, no problem! Most are machine washable and can be thrown in your washing machine with your kitchen towels. They come in a variety of sizes, and many also include the tare weight on them to make things easier for your grocery cashier.  I typically store mine near my reusable grocery bags so that I remember to grab them all.

bulk grains
Explore the Bulk Section

There’s a few reasons why I love the bulk section.  The first is because you can use your own containers, reusable bags, etc.  This reduces the amount of disposable packaging used! Personally, I store my bulk items in canning jars because they’re easy to use and clean, airtight, and inexpensive. It’s also great if you’re trying a new recipe, and don’t know when or if you’ll use an entire package of that ingredient.  You can buy exactly how much you need and then none is wasted! The other nice thing about the bulk section is that some items are actually cheaper to buy in bulk. And who doesn’t love saving some money?!

Utilize the Deli and Butcher

If you’re a meat eater, consider buying your meat from the deli or butcher counter.  Generally, these counters use butcher paper to package their meat. This eliminates the plastic wrapping, styrofoam tray, etc. that you end up with if you buy your meat from the meat aisle.  

Only Buy What You Need

This should be obvious, but if you’re buying things you don’t need, the potential for waste increases.  Particularly when it comes to perishable foods, be mindful of what you’ll actually be able to use before it spoils.

Do you try to reduce your environmental impact when grocery shopping?  What strategies have you tried?

Please note there are affiliate links in this post.  I would never recommend anything that I don’t believe in–thank you for your support!

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