First Week Back in MN – A Week in the Life

Slowly but surely I’ve been reorganizing my life back in Minnesota.  It hasn’t quite hit me yet that my dietetic internship is over and I’m back in Minnesota for good.  I keep expecting this sudden wave of realization to hit me, but it just hasn’t yet. I spent my first week back trying to unpack things and get my life all set up so that I can focus on studying for my RD Exam.  Hopefully I’ll start to really buckle down and study in the coming weeks. I can’t actually register for the exam for at least a couple more weeks while my DI director submits my completion paperwork. Unlike my internship, where I had other people supervising me, I’m my own boss for how and when I study for the exam.  It’s exciting, but also nerve-wracking all at the same time. :P Anyway, on to what I did last week!

I spent the beginning of the week unpacking and organizing stuff.  Despite spending lots of time on this, I hardly made a dent in my work. :P  It’s particularly challenging because I’m not just unpacking everything, I have to repack the stuff I won’t need over the next couple months to be put in storage until I move again.  I’m very grateful to be able to live with family again until I’m working as a dietitian, but it does make figuring out what to do with all my stuff challenging.

On the 4th of July, my parents and I went pontooning with my aunts and uncles.  It rained all morning, so we didn’t get out until around noon. Then it rained again during the afternoon with some lightning so we had to return to land.  We went out again in the later afternoon once the weather cleared up and it was beautiful. Being on the lake is definitely one of my favorite ways to spend the day!

Maggie and I went for walks every night this week too.  It’s so nice to just get out in nature for a while. I’m a sucker for Maggie’s excited faces when I mention going on a walk too. :P


On Saturday, I met a good friend, Hannah, at Psycho Suzi’s for brunch.  She was in town for a wedding and to visit her family, so it was great to get to steal her away for a couple hours and catch up!  Psycho Suzi’s has a great patio space too right on the Mississippi River which is pretty hard to beat.

And my self-appointed “rest week” is over!  Next week, I’ll be back to the grindstone studying for my RD Exam.  Hopefully, I’ll also remember to take some pictures throughout my week as well.  I’m going to give myself a pass for this post since it was supposed to be a recuperative week. :P  

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