Getting Back to Normal – A Week in the Life

Things finally started to feel like normal again last week after all the holiday festivities of the last few weeks.  I’ve been taking advantage of the return to normalcy, and writing more recipes, filming, and getting more blog posts ready.  My goal is to get a month ahead–the first week of January I was only one week ahead. Now I’m officially two weeks ahead, so progress is being made!  I have a lot of changes coming in the next few months on the blog and my other accounts. Just means a lot of work planning everything! More on this later, I promise.  

Maggie and I have also gotten back into our walking routine which has been very nice.  The trail we generally use has gotten really icy, however, so we have to tread carefully!  She doesn’t seem concerned about slipping, but I certainly am. :P

Maggie running in the snow

In food news, I’ve actually been working on more recipes that aren’t soup.  Are you surprised? :P I have to get the soup recipes out while I can before it gets warm and nobody wants soup anymore.  That’s my excuse anyway, I also just love soup. One of the changes I’m planning on making this year is ramping up recipe production so that I can release one every week.  This means I’ve been writing and testing like crazy so that I have enough done in advance to make this shift possible. Not quite sure just yet when this will happen, but I’m hoping soon.

I don’t have too much to reflect on this last week.  I’ve really just been trying to get content written and adjust to the post-holiday season.  I did go see “The Upside” in theaters this last weekend which was pretty funny. Overall though, just doing a lot of cooking and writing!  Thanks for tuning in, hopefully next week will be a little more interesting!

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