Halloween + Business Coaching – A Week in the Life

Happy November!  Last week was a busy but productive week for me.  First, I’m testing more recipes! Monday night, I tested out my super simple lentil vegetable skillet recipe.  It’s the perfect quick throw-together meal that’s still packed with fiber and protein. It’ll be making its way onto the blog around January, so look out for it then!

For the most part, we’ve been continuing to stick to our meatless Monday, taco Tuesday, etc. meal planning since it helps give us some direction.  True to form, Tuesday night we had loaded nachos (close enough to tacos, right?). We loaded up tortilla chips with cheese, ground turkey, black beans, tomatoes, lettuce, black olives, and hot sauce.  It was a relatively uncomplicated, but delicious way to use up some leftover taco meat we had in the freezer!

Then we had Halloween!  This is the first year in a long time that I’ve actually had the time to carve a pumpkin.  As you can tell, I’m a little out of practice… My roasted pumpkin seeds tasted amazing though!  It was a lot of fun to see all the little kids out trick-or-treating too. There were quite a few unicorn princesses–must be a popular costume!

On Thursday, I had another webinar to watch!  This one was about different fad diets and whether or not they were helpful/harmful for cancer patients.  It didn’t turn out to be quite what I was expecting, but I learned a few new things which is always good. Spencer and I spent the rest of the day working on projects.  Spencer’s helping me design and create a Hookom on Health logo, so hopefully we’ll have that finished soon! I’m also trying to pre-plan and pre-schedule posts for the blog, recipes, and other social media content.  I have a lot of free time right now while job hunting in between applications and interviews, but it won’t last forever! Obviously there’s some content I can’t pre-write (like these weekly updates), but I’ve been working on getting ahead on my other content.  


I had my first ever business coaching session on Friday.  I was fortunate enough to win a free session as part of a giveaway–lucky me!  As many of you may know, I have long-term goals of building my own private practice as a dietitian.  This session really helped me figure out more of the logistical side of doing this, and establish goals and action steps to get there.  It’s not something I’m going to be able to do immediately, obviously, but it was really helpful to start talking about.


The weekend was pretty rainy and dreary…Maggie and I still went out for walks, but otherwise spent time at home.  I spent quite a bit of my weekend in front of my computer pre-scheduling posts for the next week. My goal is to get a month ahead before I find a job, so I’ve got a lot of work ahead of me!  Until next week!

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