41 Better & Healthier New Year’s Resolutions than Losing Weight

It’s a new year which means everybody is coming up with resolutions and goals.  Many people choose losing weight as their resolution for the new year, but I’ve got some better ideas for you.  For starters, weight loss as a goal is difficult to succeed at simply because there aren’t good methods to achieve it.  It’s also inconsistent, and a loss one week might turn into a gain the next. Plus, dieting and pursuing weight loss isn’t always healthy (see my post about why you should quit dieting).  Instead of weight loss, here are some other areas of your life to improve upon for better health and happiness.

Nutrition and Food
  1. Eating more servings of fruits and vegetables and/or including more variety and colors of fruits and veggies.
  2. Trying to include more whole grains throughout the day.
  3. Cooking more meals at home and involving more family members in the process.
  4. Experimenting with new recipes, trying new foods, exploring new restaurants, and being more adventurous around food.
  5. Drinking more water throughout the day.
  6. Being more conscious about eating without distractions whenever possible.  Be more present during the eating experience.
  7. Practice some of the principles of intuitive eating.  For more information on these principles, check out my blog posts on intuitive eating (part 1 and part 2).
  8. Writing your grocery list ahead of time so you’re prepared and ready to go at the store.
  9. Planning out meal and snack ideas, so the process of preparing and eating food is less stressful.
  10. Working on eating meals and snacks consistently throughout the day and not skipping meals.
  11. Hiring a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist to help you clarify and reach your nutrition goals.
Physical Activity and Movement
  1. Trying to add in more physical activity each day/week/month/whatever time frame works well for you.
  2. Including some more cardio activities in your schedule.
  3. Adding in some weight lifting, or other strength training activities.
  4. Making an effort to stretch more before and after exercise and just regularly in general.
  5. Experimenting with new fitness classes and/or events.
  6. Inviting friends or family members to be active with you, in whatever form that takes.
  7. Giving yourself adequate rest days to let your body heal and recuperate between more intense workout sessions.
  8. Being more conscious of your energy levels and taking it easy or pushing yourself a little depending on the day and how your body is feeling.
  9. Shaking things up, and adding more variety to the way you’re moving your body.
  10. Hiring a Certified Personal Trainer to help you figure out safe and effective ways to move your body and reach your fitness goals.
Sleep and Relaxation
  1. Setting a consistent bedtime during the week and on weekends.
  2. Waking up close to the same time every day (and doing your best to aim for at least 6 hours of sleep per night, more is better).
  3. Making an effort to avoid electronic devices and bright screens right before bed.
  4. Developing a before bed routine to help you wind down and get ready for sleep.
  5. Trying not to consume caffeine too close to bedtime.
  6. Reading more books that interest you.
  7. Experimenting with meditation or other relaxing activities.
  8. Working on a morning routine that helps energize you and get you ready for each day.
  9. Journaling, drawing, or engaging in other creative outlets that relax you and help you clear your mind.
  10. Organizing your sleep space in a way that you find calming and conducive to a good night’s rest.
  1. Making regular appointments with your dentist, primary care doctor, eye doctor, etc.
  2. Connecting with friends and family more often.
  3. Finding a new hobby that you enjoy.
  4. Learning new things whenever possible.
  5. Reducing your environmental impact in whichever ways you can.
  6. Practicing gratitude more often, and embracing positivity wherever you can.
  7. Volunteering, donating, and supporting organizations and people that you believe in and that improve the lives of others.
  8. Travelling more, whether that’s internationally or just exploring your neighborhood.
  9. Taking time for self-care and stress management on a regular basis.
  10. De-cluttering your life in whatever form that may take.

Once you have an idea either from this post or elsewhere get to work crafting a personalized resolution for yourself.  Make it specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and time-based. And remember, if your goal is too hard to achieve, it’s time to change up your goal.

What are your New Year’s resolutions for 2019?

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