Last Week of Spring Break – A Week in the Life

And just like that, I’m back in Illinois to finish up the last 6 weeks of my dietetic internship!  It’s crazy how fast time has just flown by. I spent my last week of spring break getting all reorganized and spending lots of quality time with my family, Spencer, and Maggie.


Monday night, I made a ground turkey, brussels sprouts, and sweet potato grain bowl for supper.  I forgot to take a picture, but it was very tasty! I still haven’t perfected the seasoning combination for it–it needs just a little more spice, but it’s getting there!


The beginning of the week was pretty toasty with temps up in the 80s.  It feels like we skipped from winter straight to summer! It’s hard to believe that just a month ago there was a blizzard–you’d never know now!  Maggie isn’t a huge fan of the heat since she has a fur coat so we had to wait until right around sunset before leaving for our nightly walks. Even then, our walks were much shorter this week because the heat burns up most of her energy.

Despite being very warm, Maggie still likes laying in the sun!

Zach (my older brother) came over on Tuesday to spend the day with the family.  It’s really nice when all 5 of us can be together even if it’s just for a day. With all 3 of us kids living in different cities (or states) and having different school/work schedules it’s always a challenge to all be in the same place at the same time.  We went out for ice cream which the warm weather was perfect for, and played games.


On Wednesday, I took Maggie in for her annual vet appointment.  Contrary to a lot of dogs, Maggie actually really likes the vet which is pretty nice.  Her appointment went really well, and I was very excited that she weighed in at just the right amount for her breed/size.  Maggie gains and loses weight really easily which makes it challenging to keep her in her ideal weight zone.  I was definitely a proud dog mama leaving that appointment. :)


Friday night, my mom, dad, and I went boating on the lake.  It was our first time out for the season which means testing to see how the boat survived the winter.  Luckily, it worked just fine and we didn’t get stranded in the lake. :P  I always love being out on the water, and it was a beautiful night for it! After our boating fun we went out for pizza and then had a bonfire.  It was definitely a great way to spend my last night of break in Minnesota.


Saturday morning, I cleaned the interior of my car which it desperately needed after the winter.  I don’t keep a lot of stuff in my car, but it isn’t fun to vacuum or dust your car in the winter so it really needed a good cleaning.  I spent the rest of Saturday driving back to Illinois and getting my life unpacked and reorganized.


On Sunday, I ran a few errands and finished getting all prepared for Monday when I start my food service rotation.  Break feels like it went by so fast, but I also feel ready to tackle the last 6 weeks of my internship.


Next week, I’ll be back to my regular internship update posts–until then!

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