Last Week of Winter Break – A Week in the Life

I’m officially back in Illinois and will be starting my clinical rotation tomorrow!  It’s exciting to be back, but it was definitely hard to leave Maggie, my family, and Spencer in Minnesota.  I’ll be completing my clinical and dialysis rotations this semester before finishing up my internship with food service and long-term care over the summer.  I spent my last week of winter break finishing up some last minute things, doing some studying, and enjoying every minute of relaxation that I could.

The temperature stayed in the 30’s for the first half of the week which felt amazing after all the negative temps we were experiencing.  Maggie and I made sure to take advantage of the warmer weather and went hiking in the snow.

She may look serious here, but she shoved her entire face in the snow moments later…

On Tuesday, Spencer and I went to see “Downsizing” in theaters.  I really enjoyed the movie and was intrigued by the environmental messaging in the film.  It’s cool how a movie can be really entertaining while still passing across an important message.  There were a few parts that I was less than impressed about, but overall I thought it was a good movie.  I don’t think I would’ve been disappointed if we had waited until it was out of theaters to watch it.

My third blog post with the Chicago Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics went live on Wednesday.  This time I wrote about National Take the Stairs Day.  You can check it out here.  It was still above zero, so Maggie, Spencer and I went on a walk as well.

I spent most of Thursday starting to pack and get things ready to head back to Illinois.  The temps nose-dived again which was a bummer, and they’re expected to stay down for a while now.  For supper, we made turkey lettuce wraps (a personal favorite of mine).

turkey lettuce wrap
Turkey lettuce wraps–my personal favorite.

Friday was my last full day in Minnesota.  I finished up my packing, and spent lots of time just hanging out with Maggie and Spencer.  I tried out Banza’s Ramen-Inspired Noodle Soup recipe for supper.  Everyone kind of had the same opinion about it “it’s not bad, but it leaves something to be desired”.  I think a bit more seasoning would’ve helped it out tremendously.  That night, my parents, Spencer and I went to see “Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle” in theaters.  I’ve seen the original “Jumanji” movie and loved it, so I was a little apprehensive that this one wouldn’t quite live up to my expectations.  It was AMAZING and extremely funny.  Definitely worth movie theater prices.

Banza ramen
Banza Ramen-Inspired Noodle Soup.

I left for my long drive to Illinois early Saturday afternoon, and arrived around 8pm.  Luckily, I was able to finish unpacking everything before bed which was very nice.  It feels good to be back, though also strange since I had such a long break.  I went grocery shopping, and did more organizing and preparing for my clinical rotation on Sunday.  It was also my cousin’s little boy, Charlie’s, 2nd birthday party, so that was a lot of fun.  He wanted everyone to sing “Happy Birthday” to his birthday candle after he blew it out–adorable!

My dietetic internship officially starts again on Tuesday, so this is the last more freeform post for a while.  I’m excited to start up again, though not as excited to have a daily commute again.  :P  Until next week!

Please note there are affiliate links in this post.  I would never recommend anything that I don’t believe in–thank you for your support!

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