New Year’s + Maggie’s Birthday – A Week in the Life

Happy New Year!  The celebrations just kept on coming!  Spencer and I went out for a really nice dinner on New Year’s Eve to celebrate the end of 2018.  Last year, he was really sick so we ordered pizza and had a quiet night in. It was nice to be able to go out for a bit and have some delicious food.  

With the new year, comes new goals and resolutions.  I generally keep my resolutions pretty low-key. That makes them more manageable when things inevitably get crazy busy.  One of my resolutions for the new year is to continue reducing my negative impact on the environment. I bought some reusable silicone bags on Black Friday that I’m excited to try!  My older brother also gave me some reusable mesh produce bags for Christmas that I’ve wanted to try as well. Both will help me reduce my plastic bag use which I’m pretty pumped about.  If you need some New Year’s resolution inspiration, check out my latest blog post: 41 Better and Healthier New Year’s Resolutions than Losing Weight.

We always have a pretty quick turnaround because we go from New Year’s celebrations right into Maggie’s birthday on the 2nd!  It was too cold for a nice long walk, but we did spend extra time with her and I made her another birthday cake. She loved it last year, so I used the same recipe.  We went for a long walk later in the week once it warmed up.

Maggie next to her birthday cake

I also spent last week clarifying my goals with the blog, YouTube, my monthly newsletter, and the rest of my social media accounts.  It’s a little tricky to nail down strict deadlines since I’m still in limbo with my job hunt.  However, by the end of the first quarter of the year I’m planning on introducing a new video series on YouTube.  I’m also getting serious about launching my Twitch channel with cooking and meal prep livestreams.  So stay tuned for those and other projects I’m working on!

I hope everyone had a fun and relaxing New Year’s, and I’ll see you all back here again next week!

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