Saturdays are for the Brothers – A Week in the Life

Happy Monday!  My week started with some recipe testing and ended with a visit from both of my brothers–a pretty great week as far as I’m concerned!  I started off my week testing out my chickpea noodle soup recipe. The last time I made it there wasn’t quite enough seasoning to it, and this time I went a little overboard (though not too much).  I’ll have to find a happy medium now, but it’s getting close to being finished which is exciting!

chickpea noodle soup

We’ve been enjoying a lot of roasted vegetables lately too.  Tuesday night we had a roasted vegetable and chicken dish with pecans and cranberries.  It really can’t get any more “fall” than that!

roasted vegetables and chicken

On Wednesday, we threw together an easier supper of Trader Joe’s vegetable fried rice (plus chicken) and steamed green beans.  

chicken fried rice

On Thursday, Spencer and I started filming my crockpot turkey chili recipe.  It’s my first time actually making a video that has my name on it which is exciting.  I’ve been in various YouTube videos before for school projects and such, but have never tried making something like this before!  Lucky for me, Spencer knows the necessary stuff like camera angles, recording, and editing. :P It’s all a steep learning curve for me, but I’m not expecting perfection for my first video (despite being a heavy perfectionist).  I figure, if I wait for all the stuff I’m trying to create to be perfect, I’ll never get it out there. So, be on the lookout for that video on my YouTube channel in the near future!  If you want to know as soon as it’s released, be sure to follow my other social media accounts (links in the sidebar on the right in the “connect with me” box).  

crockpot turkey chili

On Friday morning, I finally got my flu shot!  It feels good to have that “to do” checked off my list.  After that, my mom and I went out to brunch at Linda’s Cafe in Rogers, MN.  This place knows exactly what I’m about when it comes to whipped cream! Not only was my hot chocolate coated in it, but my strawberry french toast was too!  All of it was delicious

strawberry french toast

Friday night, my uncle came over for the weekend.  We each made our own little pizzas using naan, olive oil, fresh tomato, basil, and mozzarella.  I put some black olives on mine too, they were sooo good!


Then on Saturday, both of my brothers came over.  We watched movies, played games, and spent quality time together.  My younger brother, Ben, smoked some chicken and brisket too so we had a great supper Saturday night.  It was in two courses, however, because the smoked meat took a little longer than usual. :P

Have a great week everyone, and a Happy Halloween!

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