Walk for Animals – A Week in the Life

My first full week off from my dietetic internship was pretty relaxed.  Maggie and I went on a lot of fun walks throughout the week and enjoyed the beautiful weather that’s finally here!  

Monday night was my turn to make supper now that my final paper is submitted and my break has officially started.  In honor of meatless Monday, I whipped up a tasty vegetable and lentil skillet dish. I haven’t quite perfected the seasoning for it yet, but it was still very good!

On Tuesday, Spencer and I went to see “I Feel Pretty” at the movie theater.  It was very funny and definitely worth the watch in my opinion! We still have to see the new Avengers movie at some point though…  I’ve heard mixed reviews about it so far. If you’ve seen it, what did you think? *no spoilers please!*

Ben (my younger brother) moved back on Friday after finishing his first year of college at the University of Minnesota-Duluth.  He, my mom and I made a couple Blue Apron recipes for supper. We made baked harissa chicken with a farro, kale and carrot salad and pork chorizo tacos.  They were two totally different recipes which made our attempt to make both at the same time a little challenging, but they turned out great! My family also has a rule that whoever makes supper doesn’t have to wash the dishes after, so that was pretty nice since we made a bit of a mess in our attempt to pull both these meals off!

Saturday was the 44th annual Animal Humane Society Walk for Animals!  Maggie and I have been participating every year for the last eight or so, and this year was no different!  Zach (my older brother) was even able to join us this year which was a lot of fun! There’s thousands of people and animals at the walk every year, and it’s so cool to see all the different animals people bring.  This year they even had a ball pit for the dogs to try which Maggie was hesitant about at first. Once she climbed in, however, we almost couldn’t get her out because she loved it so much! She also went bobbing for treats which she loves every year.  After the walk, we went to Psycho Suzi’s for lunch. They have great food, and allow dogs on their patio so it was a win-win all around.

ball pit
Maggie climbing into the ball pit at the walk for animals!

My dad and Ben left early Saturday morning to go turkey hunting in the Black Hills, so my mom and I have the house to ourselves for the next few days.  We’ll be making some great food and enjoying a little peace and quiet. ;)

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